Big factories use compressed air to make products safely. The air around us has dirt, water and other bad stuff in it, and there are around 140 million tiny particles in every bit of air. The air filter can't get rid of all the oil particles when the air gets squeezed and pushed, so the compressed air has not only dirt and water but also oil bits and other bad stuff in it. If we don't take out these bad things, they will damage and wear away the pipes, valves, tools and other things. This means that when something doesn't last long, it costs more to make and it might not be good quality.
Coalescing filters clean compressed air by getting rid of things like water, dust, oil and germs. This gives you really good clean air. Filters are very important in systems that clean and dry compressed air. Filters are used to clean compressed air by removing things like oil, solid dirt, germs, bad gases, and other bad stuff.
When you add high efficiency filters to your air compressor system, it can help you spend less money on upgrades. These filters can clean the air and remove water, dust, oil, and other harmful things. They can filter out small particles, oil, and water with a high accuracy. Tiny particles of 0.01μm or less, very good at removing oil with a level of 0.01ppm or less, and removes water at a very high rate of 99.99%. The air is very dry with very little water in it, and it can handle a small decrease in pressure. This makes sure that all the bad stuff like water, dirt, and oil are taken out of the compressed air. It helps the equipment work safely and steadily.