The coalescing filter is another name for the compressed air precision filter. This is a tool that removes dirt and water from compressed air to make it dry. This is used a lot in making electronics, food and medicine, computer chips, cars, and other things.
Regular filters for air cannot remove oil. A machine that can separate oil from air, or an air compressor that doesn't use oil, is needed.
The oil in the air that is squeezed will stick to a special filter and cannot be taken out. This will make the precision filter less effective at filtering.
Dirt and tiny living things can touch and spoil food and medicine ingredients. Not safe for people to use. Spraying can be risky when water and dust are present. This can cause problems like small holes and bumpy spots.
Dust and water can harm machines that use gas and air pressure like drills and valves.
Many dangers can happen when compressed air contains dirty stuff. But people haven't paid enough attention to it.
Equipment can get broken and compressed air is a main reason why that happens.
We did research for over ten years and discovered that in spray painting, if the air used is not standard, there will be at least 5% more defects. Changing the amount of money spent is a difficult task.
We suggest people who use compressed air to install a specific filter for it to work better. A precision filter can work well for 1 to 2 years before the filter needs to be changed, which saves money. We need a special air dryer that is kept cold called a refrigerated air dryer.